(해외 프로젝트) 요키스노브 보트 클럽
(기사 요약)
호주 퀸즈랜드에 위치한 요키스노브 보트 클럽(The Yorkeys Knob Boat Club)이 최근 크루저 이용자들을 위한 숙박시설, 계류장 등 관련시설 및 편의시설 들을 확충했다. (투입 금액 $2.2m/ 원화 약 24억 원)
대형 선박의 직접 계류가 불가능하여 크루즈 선박의 이용에 제한적이었던 기존 계류시설은 구조적으로 안정성과 내구성을 입증 받은 콘크리트 폰툰으로 재시공됐다.
세계 최대의 부잔교 시공기업 벨링햄마린은 동시 이용객이 많은 크루저 선박의 특징을 고려하여 4m 폭의 600㎜ 건현을 확보한 콘크리트 부잔교를 시공(300인 이상 동시수용 가능), 두 개의 도교는 승선용과 하선용으로 구분되어 이용자들이 보다 편리하게 이용이 가능하다.
더불어 잠금장치가 설치된 게이트는 사용하지 않을 경우 잠가둘 수 있도록 시공해 보안 강화와 관리의 용이성을 향상시켰다.
금번 프로젝트는 크루즈 선 등 대형 선박용 계류장을 포함하여 주유 시설, 승선자 대기실, 클럽 하우스 시설 주변 산책로 등이 업그레이드 됐다.
(기사 원문)
The Yorkeys Knob Boat Club recently completed a $2.2m upgrade to provide improved accommodations and infrastructure for visiting cruise ships.
Yorkeys Knob, Queensland, Australia – 2 March 2015 – Sixteen miles of pristine beaches, tropical rainforests, sunny skies and proximity to the Great Barrier Reef as well as Australia’s hottest vacation destination, Cairns, make Yorkeys Knob a popular port of call for the cruise industry.
However, until recently cruise infrastructure in Yorkeys Knob, a tender port for ships too big to berth at Cairns, was inadequate for the high volume traffic associated with the visiting ships. According to Stuart Vella, Club Manager at Yorkeys Knob Boat Club, in the past it had been a major operation to disembark and embark passengers from cruise ship moorings off Yorkeys. A great deal of time was spent waiting at the old small jetty to board the tenders ferrying them back to their ships. Vella added, “Lack of adequate infrastructure took away from the passengers’ overall experience and time ashore.”
After two years of planning and petitioning political support, Yorkeys Knob Boat Club received approval to move forward with plans to construct a properly designed tender wharf for Yorkeys Knob. The new tender wharf at the Boat Club allows several ships’ tenders to embark/disembark passengers at the same time. In addition, a number of shoreside improvements were made to streamline the transfer of passengers.
Bellingham Marine was hired to design and build the pontoon system for the Club’s tender wharf. “Considering cruise ship tenders carry up to 300 passengers at a time, it was important the floating terminal be able to handle high volume foot traffic comfortably and safely – Bellingham’s heavy duty concrete pontoon system was perfect for the application,” said Tom Meehan, Business Development Manager for Bellingham Marine Australia. “The pontoon system has an extremely high load capacity and is as stable as walking on dry land.” The new wharf includes a 4m wide concrete pontoon with 600mm freeboard. Access is provided via two gangways to allow for one direction foot traffic during loading and off-loading of tender vessels. New security gates were also installed to close off the terminal when not in use. Because of the massive size of the concrete modules, Bellingham Marine assembled the new pontoon on site.
The Club’s improvement plan also called for the construction of a new boat ramp, improvements to the fuel dock and a number of shoreside upgrades. Landside improvements included construction of a sheltered passenger holding area, multiple bus bays, and a newly paved pedestrian path between the tender wharf, boat ramp and club facilities.
As the world's leading marina design-build construction company, Bellingham Marine specializes in floating dock, floating platform and floating wave attenuation systems for marinas worldwide. The company also produces dry storage systems for the upland storage of boats.